XRF Lead paint Test NYC

XRF & Lead Dust Testing

NYC HPD violation removals; Local Law 31 NYC XRF testing; lead dust testing; EPA licensed; results guaranteed; next day service; call today! Serving NYC, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester, and Long Island.

We provide XRF lead paint testing and lead risk assessments for homeowners, property managers, hospitals, attorneys, insurance companies, schools, and health care professionals to evaluate levels of lead in the paint and to evaluate the risk of lead poisoning to the children in homes and workplaces. Our XRF lead test inspectors are available to help you meet the requirements of Local Law 31 of 2020, NYC HPD lead dust clearance testing, HPD building violation removals, lead exemption filings, and preparing annual rental apartment inspection notifications.

Angstrom Testing Services is registered with the EPA, and each of our inspectors are licensed by the EPA to conduct XRF lead paint inspections and lead risk assessments.


XRF testing is performed using a direct-reading hand-held energy dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometer. The spectrometer measures levels of lead in paint on surfaces to determine whether the surfaces are painted is lead-based paint. Each lead paint test takes about 10 seconds to complete, so real-time information is obtained during XRF testing. In NY City, lead paint is defined as paint that contains one-half a milligram of lead or more per square centimeter (0.5 mg/cm2) of paint.

XRF Lead Paint Test
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During XRF testing, the paints on each of the walls, ceilings, window and door components, staircase components, radiators, casings, mouldings, built-in furniture in each room/area throughout the space are tested using the XRF instrument to measure the levels of lead in the paints. The colors, conditions, and substrate materials are also noted. The inspection may include testing the paints on the exterior surfaces of the building and in attics, basements, and common areas. All of the test results are documented in a site-specific inspection report, which is email to the client.

Reasons for conducting an XRF lead test include selling and/or buying a home, child lead-poisoning investigations, applications for NYC Health Department daycare permits, renovation, repair, and painting (RRP) of surfaces, lead abatement clearance paint retesting to remove summons issued during NYC HPD investigations.

Call Angstrom Testing Services (516-724-4574) for further information and for a price quote for XRF paint testing services. XRF lead test services are available in NYC, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Long island, and Westchester, and surrounding area.


Lead Dust on Floor

Occupant exposure to lead paint in residential settings is primarily the result of ingestion of lead paint dust and paint chips. The friction surfaces of windows painted with lead-based paint are likely to release lead paint dust when being opened and closed. Impact surfaces such as doors, door frames, and painted cabinetry components may also release lead-paint dust, and “mouthable” surfaces such as window sills are also considered to present a lead hazard. Toddlers and children who play on floors contaminated with lead paint dust and paint chips or who may teethe on “mouthable” surfaces are the people most likely to be exposed to lead paint by ingestion, and children under the age of 6 are most vulnerable to the adverse health effects associated with lead exposure.

XRF lead dust clearance


A lead risk assessment is performed to evaluate the risk of lead poisoning to the occupants in a home, office, or school. Child-occupied residences who have elevated levels of lead in their blood may be a cause for a lead risk assessment. Lead risk assessments may be mandated by the NYC Health Department or may be requested by parents or physicians to determine the source of the lead exposure.

The assessment includes a visual inspection of surfaces for the presence of damaged paint on stationary surfaces and the testing of damaged paint on friction and impact surfaces for lead content. The lead risk assessment may also include testing water and soil for lead content.

Painted surfaces are tested using an XRF instrument, and soil and water samples are sent to a lab for analysis. Lead dust wipe samples are usually collected for laboratory analysis to evaluate levels of lead in dust.


Angstrom Testing Services is licensed by the EPA to conduct lead-based paint activities. Our inspectors are licensed by the EPA to conduct lead paint testing. We are also certified by the EPA as a lead safe firm.


XRF Test
NYC Mayor de Blasio kicks off XRF lead paint testing in 135,000 NYCHA Apartments

Service Areas: XRF Testing NYC; XRF Testing Manhattan; XRF Testing Queens; XRF Testing Brooklyn; Westchester, XRF Testing Long Island, XRF Testing Bronx, XRF Testing Staten Island

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